Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Does any one know about lumps in your nutsack?? Women DONT respond.?

After you are 44 years old, and you start getting sharp pains in one of your testicles and notice that there are painful lumps in it that gradualy increase in amount. However they are only noticable when you stand up. Of coarse the doctor is going to check out this problem, but i want know if any one might know what it is before i get seen because im so curious. It is not only accomponied by sharp pain in that one tesiticle but lower back aches are there to, if any one has heard of such a thing let me me know what you think it is called or anything like that, if you've never heard of it and are just going to say, i dont know but you should defenitly get it looked at, then just dont respond because youre not telling me anything that i dont know! thank you very much.
you got balls for asking this question pet !!!!
Ok Diana??? I can't tell you what it is and no one on this site could because you must be examined by a doctor and that doctor is likely to want a scan of your testis to make sure there is not a problem. Lumps at the back of your testis(around the cord as it returns to the body may represent epididymal cysts) These still need checking out however so sorry to answer when I don't know but I hope this gives you some insight into what will happen when you see your doc.

(Why Diana?)
lower back pain indicates you may have an infection stemming from the kidneys, my son had similar problem , it turned out to be a severe infection, im glad youre going to get it sorted, as it shouldnt be left, im sorry im a woman, but sometimes women have husbands and sons!!

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