Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Do you think that in our world exist male that has never ejaculated sperm?

do such perfect man exist? Like a vehicle that has never lost even a drop of oil?
I can't see it, even the strictes monks could have wet dreams as they do not have control over their bodies when they sleep.
i dont know i do know there is virgins out there but im sure they have you would think good question, what about men that have had vascetomies, they ejacualte but dont produce
If they are younger than 12 years old.
i would think that a pope bishop or cardinal could qualify for this category. if not voluntarily ejaculating though, i would think that involuntary ejaculation (wet dreams...etc) would kick in sooner or later. but if a pope was that pure that he didn't even dream about the temptations of flesh, then it is definitely possible to have never ejaculated.
If they have never ejaculated, they are not perfect.
There is a problem.
The human body will force a man to unload.
nope the word would not exist
perfect man? Why would that be a perfect man? i would say no. i would think that it is humanly not possible, because the male human body will do it at night (wet dreams) even if the man doesn't want them. Its the body's way of cleaning the system. Even if a guy could, why would he? He would definitely be missing out.
That's physically impossible and it can not happen unless they don't have a penis. But man needs to ejaculate because its a need. Much like going to urinate ejaculating is to men.
yes, somewhere, on a remote island. lol
Yes there are many men in the world who shoot blanks no sperm only ejaculation fluid. Also what about eunuchs men with no balls.

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