My husband has been taking Lupron shots for prostate cancer for 8 years - off and on. Why is Lupron still so terribly expensive if it has been around this long? In the states, the cost was over $2,000 for a three month shot. Now, we live in Mexico and learned about Zoladex (Soladex) available here for $700 for a three month shot for basically the same thing. Even $700 is riduculously expensive. Are the drug companies trying to add to the misery of having cancer by financially ruining those unfortunates?
A great deal of Takeda Abbott's overall income comes from the sale of Lupron, thereby making it one of the most lucrative drugs in the world (this is even despite the record $875million fines they had to pay out under the federal RICO statutes for fraudulent pricing schemes and doctor kickbacks). It also is pricey due in part to the fact that TAP has had a lock-up on the patent until very recently, which did not allow for generic Leuprolide sales until the immediate past few years. TAP (a joint venture between the US-based Abbott Pharma and Japan's Takeda Corp.) also has a chokehold on the GnRH market around the globe.
Zoladex, on the other hand, is a Goserelin implant made by AstraZeneca, which, while it has US holdings and offices around the world, is a United Kingdom corporation whose major product line(s) are not geared towards the GnRH family (in general). So, they are typically a bit cheaper.
In any event, TAP has a Patient Assistance Program which might interest you. It allows for patients to get reduced and even free Lupron depending on their circumstances. Call 800-830-1015 and ask for the Lupron assistance program for more info.
Also - see if you can obtain Viadur in place of the Leuprolide. It might cost much less. See for more info.
Hope that helps.
Because the makers of those products are paying companies of the generic brands to keep their products off the market for certain lengths of time. Sometimes many, many years.
On top of it - What additional funding B Clinton authorised for the research companies, Bush has stripped it away.
Sucks doesn't it?
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Does anyone know of any high (ish) profile body builders who promote protein supplements?
I would recommend the WEIDER products that are available at GNC or /and HOLLAND %26 BARRETT.
Good Luck.
most of them do like dorian yates who has his own company and lee labrada. To be honest the best protein well whey portein you can get is from Optimum Nutrition. It is extremely good value and loaded with extras like ammino acids for aditional growth and l-glutamine.These supplements on their own are expensive so to get them as part of your protein is a fantastic money saver
Does anyone know of a way to give up smoking other than patches or nicotine gum??
i am looking to quit and am looking for ideas.
Allen Carr wrote a book called 'The Easyway'. It was easy and enjoyable even (empowering too). I read it three years ago and I haven't smoked since. I was recommended it by a few people over the years, I was obsessed with giving up smoking and attempted it every few days, but I thought the idea of reading a self help book ridiculous. In the end I saw it in a shop, read the back, something like "the easyway is as simple as pressing a magic button" and felt so relieved that it might be true and that it would take no effort, or rather that my giving up might not rely on my own will power (I haven't got much will power, but then, when it comes to smoking not many people do). Anyway, I read it and that was that. The day that I finished it I went to a party and got really irritated by two shoe designers and drank a bottle of wine, but I didn't even contemplate having a cigarette. Yup. God Bless Allen Carr, may he rest in peace. I think he brainwashes you or something... In any event it works and I would be amazed if you didn't give up easily and painlessly if only you read the book. I wish I had read it 10 years earlier...
Have you considered quitting cold turkey?? Hubby did and he hasn't smoked for about 8 years now. He had been a smoker since he was in high school and was probably in his early 40's when he quit.
If your brave enough go cold turkey you can buy those dummy cigarettes or if your not frightened of putting on weight eat mints or chew gum Good Luck
dont give up givin up, ive done it loads of times
Acupuncture or hypnosis.
Cold Turkey - Pick your day - get rid of all - including ashtrays - get lots of oranges to suck on - drink water every time you want to do it again.
Make a list of the reasons you want to stop - get booklet - Quit Smoking from the GP's surgery and read about the benefits and the nasty toxins and poisons in cigarettes and tobacco.
Be thankful you are stopping because you are choosing to stop hurting your lungs and your body not because you have to stop hurting them.
Good Luck - I think if you search on the web you will come across some good sites.
WILL POWER. If you have a family just the thought of not seeing your children have children should be enough.
I have tried the patch and the biggest problem was putting it on in the morning before lighting up. I am not preaching but I quit through prayer a year ago after smoking for 24 years and had no withdrawl. which ever way you use, just do it you will be sooooooo glad you did . I wish you the very best luck.
You could go to your GP and chat about Zyban. It's success rate is about double that of NRT. It is a prescription only drug.
It does have more side effects and some contra-indications however, notably a past history of depression.
It is an marketed, in higher doses, in the States as an antidepressant, but not in UK.
It and NRT are about the only things, besides will power that are demonstrably useful.
I am afraid acupuncture, hypnosis and herbal remedies come up little or no better than placebo.
everytime you wanna *** loook at the cigarettes and say " i dont need you in my life cuz my life is worth living" repeadtedly 10 times and after each time you say drink a glass of water. so say the message, class of water, say the messij again until you have dun it 10 times , with a small glas of water after each time youve sed it , otherwise go to your garden and bury the cigarettes and say burn in hell you cancer causing sshIte, leave me alone and enver come back cuz i am way better then you"""".......teahc your mind to be negative about cigarettes say """ my *** is hoter than ur cigaretter , so if ur *** is crap why wud i wannt it "" .... or just say "" looks i cant breathe you in anymore, i am much more better looking than you ,, id rather breathe in a ducks poohole, or you cud try saying "" you have no use in my life so leave me alone i dont need you "".... i hope u give up soo try anyway you can """" cigareetes go to hell !"!!!!
Agreed with SMARTIN . Will Powerrrrrrrrr . Don't Buy , Don't Ask , Don't Smoke , You are already spoil your health but don't damage others with more than 4000 poisons in a stick of cigarate . Care about your family first then community and don't forget to count your age too . Well it is a good trial... but I can't do that b'coz I am smooker too.... forgive me friends...
First of all set a date to start quitting.Then tell your close folks about your intention so they can support you.Go on the internet and learn more about the health and financial benefits of quitting and the health and financial disadvantages of smoking.
Then note your pattern of smoking and select an antismoking product that suits your pattern.Besides matches and gum there are nicotine cartridges and nicotine free cigarettes if you are addicted to the habit of lighting up.If you are an irregular smoker,nicotine pellets are available which you simply place under the tongue to stop cravings or you can get nicotine lozenges to suck as needed.
Lastly make an effort to discover how much life is enjoyable without smoke.You will be amazed!!
Good luck!
Step #1 is the strong desire to quit, Mine came from $30 a carton
to pay for pre pre school only on the backs of smokers
I gave a 5 pack a day habit by extending the time between smokes
and Ativan an anti anxiety drug, the other stuff was a waste of my money
Quiting is easy i do it 20 times a day
you can try taking up an extra activity or hobby so that whenever you feel the urge to smoke you can block it by doing the activity
try replacing the aptches with normal chewing gum or sweets etc.
the most important thing is willpower
winners dont quit
quitters dont win.
I discovered this accidentally:
One day, I put a full ash-tray in a drawer (to hide it, cos I was rushing). That night, I went to bed, %26 forgetting, opened the drawer. The most AWFUL smell hit me so badly, I couldn't get over it. I felt sick. I could taste the smell.
The next morning, I stopped smoking- just like that!
I couldn't go near a cigarette for a week.
(I started smoking a week later, cos I just forgot I'd given up! Then I realised I don't WANT to quit! Now, I'm confused about that, cos I know I've got will-power...)
Yeh, so my answer is: Eau-de-pongy-ashtray.
There is a good book called "Kick It", by Judy Perlmutter.It's published by Thorsons Publishing Group, Wellingborough, Northamptonshire. - Book No. :ISBN 0-7225-1523-5. Effective and not expensive. I wish you the best of luck.
To be perfectly honest with you there is NO easy way.I was a smoker for 35 years, and even after being taken to hospital with breathing problems I continued to smoke (although I swore I would never smoke again) but I am afraid the ciggies always get the better of you.
Nine years later there was a lot of tragedy in my life and I lost me best two friends, I was then determined to give up and believe me it was not easy, but if you have ever been with a person that has died in your arms and seen what happens (I will not go into detail),you would give up as well !!!!!!!!!!!!!!.
OK, I will admit I took the hard way, but if you are young and fairly fit do yourself a favour and quit and enjoy your life, life is short and ciggies will go on as long as people are prepared to pay for them.
Good Luck,and try anything if it is going to help, after all, anything is better than nothing .
there's many ways really, having a child is the way i stopped, on the other hand my father just, woke up one day and never smoked again cause he felt like it.
If you want to stop smoking, stop smoking.
Tens of millions of people have done it without patches or gum or other gizmos - it's no big deal, you just have to put up with a bit of nicotine withdrawal for a bit.
Allen Carr wrote a book called 'The Easyway'. It was easy and enjoyable even (empowering too). I read it three years ago and I haven't smoked since. I was recommended it by a few people over the years, I was obsessed with giving up smoking and attempted it every few days, but I thought the idea of reading a self help book ridiculous. In the end I saw it in a shop, read the back, something like "the easyway is as simple as pressing a magic button" and felt so relieved that it might be true and that it would take no effort, or rather that my giving up might not rely on my own will power (I haven't got much will power, but then, when it comes to smoking not many people do). Anyway, I read it and that was that. The day that I finished it I went to a party and got really irritated by two shoe designers and drank a bottle of wine, but I didn't even contemplate having a cigarette. Yup. God Bless Allen Carr, may he rest in peace. I think he brainwashes you or something... In any event it works and I would be amazed if you didn't give up easily and painlessly if only you read the book. I wish I had read it 10 years earlier...
Have you considered quitting cold turkey?? Hubby did and he hasn't smoked for about 8 years now. He had been a smoker since he was in high school and was probably in his early 40's when he quit.
If your brave enough go cold turkey you can buy those dummy cigarettes or if your not frightened of putting on weight eat mints or chew gum Good Luck
dont give up givin up, ive done it loads of times
Acupuncture or hypnosis.
Cold Turkey - Pick your day - get rid of all - including ashtrays - get lots of oranges to suck on - drink water every time you want to do it again.
Make a list of the reasons you want to stop - get booklet - Quit Smoking from the GP's surgery and read about the benefits and the nasty toxins and poisons in cigarettes and tobacco.
Be thankful you are stopping because you are choosing to stop hurting your lungs and your body not because you have to stop hurting them.
Good Luck - I think if you search on the web you will come across some good sites.
WILL POWER. If you have a family just the thought of not seeing your children have children should be enough.
I have tried the patch and the biggest problem was putting it on in the morning before lighting up. I am not preaching but I quit through prayer a year ago after smoking for 24 years and had no withdrawl. which ever way you use, just do it you will be sooooooo glad you did . I wish you the very best luck.
You could go to your GP and chat about Zyban. It's success rate is about double that of NRT. It is a prescription only drug.
It does have more side effects and some contra-indications however, notably a past history of depression.
It is an marketed, in higher doses, in the States as an antidepressant, but not in UK.
It and NRT are about the only things, besides will power that are demonstrably useful.
I am afraid acupuncture, hypnosis and herbal remedies come up little or no better than placebo.
everytime you wanna *** loook at the cigarettes and say " i dont need you in my life cuz my life is worth living" repeadtedly 10 times and after each time you say drink a glass of water. so say the message, class of water, say the messij again until you have dun it 10 times , with a small glas of water after each time youve sed it , otherwise go to your garden and bury the cigarettes and say burn in hell you cancer causing sshIte, leave me alone and enver come back cuz i am way better then you"""".......teahc your mind to be negative about cigarettes say """ my *** is hoter than ur cigaretter , so if ur *** is crap why wud i wannt it "" .... or just say "" looks i cant breathe you in anymore, i am much more better looking than you ,, id rather breathe in a ducks poohole, or you cud try saying "" you have no use in my life so leave me alone i dont need you "".... i hope u give up soo try anyway you can """" cigareetes go to hell !"!!!!
Agreed with SMARTIN . Will Powerrrrrrrrr . Don't Buy , Don't Ask , Don't Smoke , You are already spoil your health but don't damage others with more than 4000 poisons in a stick of cigarate . Care about your family first then community and don't forget to count your age too . Well it is a good trial... but I can't do that b'coz I am smooker too.... forgive me friends...
First of all set a date to start quitting.Then tell your close folks about your intention so they can support you.Go on the internet and learn more about the health and financial benefits of quitting and the health and financial disadvantages of smoking.
Then note your pattern of smoking and select an antismoking product that suits your pattern.Besides matches and gum there are nicotine cartridges and nicotine free cigarettes if you are addicted to the habit of lighting up.If you are an irregular smoker,nicotine pellets are available which you simply place under the tongue to stop cravings or you can get nicotine lozenges to suck as needed.
Lastly make an effort to discover how much life is enjoyable without smoke.You will be amazed!!
Good luck!
Step #1 is the strong desire to quit, Mine came from $30 a carton
to pay for pre pre school only on the backs of smokers
I gave a 5 pack a day habit by extending the time between smokes
and Ativan an anti anxiety drug, the other stuff was a waste of my money
Quiting is easy i do it 20 times a day
you can try taking up an extra activity or hobby so that whenever you feel the urge to smoke you can block it by doing the activity
try replacing the aptches with normal chewing gum or sweets etc.
the most important thing is willpower
winners dont quit
quitters dont win.
I discovered this accidentally:
One day, I put a full ash-tray in a drawer (to hide it, cos I was rushing). That night, I went to bed, %26 forgetting, opened the drawer. The most AWFUL smell hit me so badly, I couldn't get over it. I felt sick. I could taste the smell.
The next morning, I stopped smoking- just like that!
I couldn't go near a cigarette for a week.
(I started smoking a week later, cos I just forgot I'd given up! Then I realised I don't WANT to quit! Now, I'm confused about that, cos I know I've got will-power...)
Yeh, so my answer is: Eau-de-pongy-ashtray.
There is a good book called "Kick It", by Judy Perlmutter.It's published by Thorsons Publishing Group, Wellingborough, Northamptonshire. - Book No. :ISBN 0-7225-1523-5. Effective and not expensive. I wish you the best of luck.
To be perfectly honest with you there is NO easy way.I was a smoker for 35 years, and even after being taken to hospital with breathing problems I continued to smoke (although I swore I would never smoke again) but I am afraid the ciggies always get the better of you.
Nine years later there was a lot of tragedy in my life and I lost me best two friends, I was then determined to give up and believe me it was not easy, but if you have ever been with a person that has died in your arms and seen what happens (I will not go into detail),you would give up as well !!!!!!!!!!!!!!.
OK, I will admit I took the hard way, but if you are young and fairly fit do yourself a favour and quit and enjoy your life, life is short and ciggies will go on as long as people are prepared to pay for them.
Good Luck,and try anything if it is going to help, after all, anything is better than nothing .
there's many ways really, having a child is the way i stopped, on the other hand my father just, woke up one day and never smoked again cause he felt like it.
If you want to stop smoking, stop smoking.
Tens of millions of people have done it without patches or gum or other gizmos - it's no big deal, you just have to put up with a bit of nicotine withdrawal for a bit.
Does anyone know how to get rid of a troublesome fiance?
Hire the "Ghost Busters"! (just kidding off course).
Plain honesty is always the best way to deal with most situations. Sit down and calmly tell her what is going on and how do you feel (or don't feel) about her, and that this situation is a very poor foundation for a relationship, therefore it should be terminated before further harm is suffered by either or both of you.
Tell her that you don't want to marry her, and stick by it!
Break up, sinple as that. You can do it as amably or dramatically as you want. Either that or take a break from each see otehr people.
breaking the engagement would be a good start.
you could always go for broke and cheat. that will kill any chances you had at getting married. maybe you could just tell her you are having 2nd thoughts.
tell her you dont want to be with her anymore. that might work
get a restaining order and then when they visit call the cops
I'd start by digging a hole 6 feet deep-the rest is up to you =)
Tell him to "Get on the bus, Gus." If that doesn't work just be straightforward with him and let him know that you are ending the relationship. If you feel he is dangerous do this with other people around. I don't mean you have to say it in public where people can hear, but just so they are near enough in case he becomes violent, they can help you. If he continues to bother you, get a restraining order.
Does anyone know anything about having a vasectomy reversed?
Vasectomy reversal is a surgical procedure restoring the flow of sperm through the vas deferens. The procedure begins with the decision process, evaluating the options and alternatives, and getting educated about the techniques. Most importantly, a couple has to choose the right doctor to reverse the vasectomy who meets their need of comfort level to perform the microsurgery. You usually get what you pay for.
Read more @
A friend had it done successfully!
Although men considering vasectomies should not think of them as reversible, and most men and their spouses are satisfied with the operation[5] [6], there is a procedure to reverse vasectomies using vasovasostomy (a form of microsurgery). It is, however, not effective in all cases, with the success rate depending on such factors as the method used for the vasectomy and the length of time that has passed since the vasectomy was performed. There is evidence that men who have had a vasectomy produce abnormal sperm, which would explain why even a mechanically successful reversal does not always restore fertility.[7][8]
is the reason so that you can get pregant. because there are other solutions than getting the vesectomy reversed. You can extract the semen and artificially inseminate. doesn't that sound romantic. but you don't have to be on birth control. ultimately it's healthier for you.
yes, it can be reversed if needed. The surgery is much more complicated than the vasectomy which is relatively simple. And the success rate is not 100%. Consult a good urologist and check his record of success.
Does anyone have dentures?
My boyfriend has already been fitted for his upper dentures, he goes Thursday for the extraction of 9 upper teeth and he must have alveoplasty done, he will then get his dentures the same day. I am wondering how long recovery will take, I am sure it depends on the person but anyone that has been through this before will be helpful. He will be off work Thursday, Friday and of course Saturday and Sunday but then his work is having him go out of town (which has already been planned before the dentist appt. was made) Monday through Saturday, he will be 400 miles away. I am really worried about him. So any info would be helpful. By the way, we are going to get the dentist opinion on it Thursday but just wanted actual people who have been through it. Thanks!!
my grandpa has them..
My husband had to have an upper plate a few years ago(he was only 23 at the time). He had several teeth pulled and the plate put in place the same day. He had this done on a Saturday, he returned to work on Monday. Saturday and Sunday were by far the worst. Make sure that he gargles with warm salt water, ask about pain medication, and keep him hydrated. We found that room temperature fluids were best. This is gross but make sure he has a "spit bottle". My husband bled a lot the first 24 hours. We ended up taking the plate out as he kept gagging on it. Make sure you keep his head elevated and be prepared for him to be in a really sour mood for about 48 hours. I wish you both the very best. Everything will be ok.
my grandpa has them..
My husband had to have an upper plate a few years ago(he was only 23 at the time). He had several teeth pulled and the plate put in place the same day. He had this done on a Saturday, he returned to work on Monday. Saturday and Sunday were by far the worst. Make sure that he gargles with warm salt water, ask about pain medication, and keep him hydrated. We found that room temperature fluids were best. This is gross but make sure he has a "spit bottle". My husband bled a lot the first 24 hours. We ended up taking the plate out as he kept gagging on it. Make sure you keep his head elevated and be prepared for him to be in a really sour mood for about 48 hours. I wish you both the very best. Everything will be ok.
Does anyone have any success stories about using Enzyte?
Enzyte the once a day pill for natural male enhancement.
YES! the best success story is from the makers of Enzyte:
Take a pill made from benign ( harmless) ingredients, market it and package it to look vagely perscription-like and sell it to men praying on their insecurities! Terrific idea! It can't go wrong!
Millions of dollars pour in and nobody does anything..... Like if it doesn't work ( which it won't), they're really going to compound the embarassment by asking their doctor.... HA! Then, they get company employees to post great things about it in chat rooms and websites starting a grass-roots marketing campaign. Perfect! Of course absolutely NO doctor or even the government (FDA) will endorse this thing, but people are stupid, so they'll buy it anyway!
Later, we can sell "Breast enhancement Cream" to teenage girls and "Smart pills" and "Anti- Aging Ointment" that STOPS time itself! There's NO end in sight for this kind of product!
How's that for a success story?
Yes, everybody will be happy.
It's a scam. Don't you think if something actually worked to make penis size larger...that it would be International front page news and winner of a nobel prize in medicine??
YES! the best success story is from the makers of Enzyte:
Take a pill made from benign ( harmless) ingredients, market it and package it to look vagely perscription-like and sell it to men praying on their insecurities! Terrific idea! It can't go wrong!
Millions of dollars pour in and nobody does anything..... Like if it doesn't work ( which it won't), they're really going to compound the embarassment by asking their doctor.... HA! Then, they get company employees to post great things about it in chat rooms and websites starting a grass-roots marketing campaign. Perfect! Of course absolutely NO doctor or even the government (FDA) will endorse this thing, but people are stupid, so they'll buy it anyway!
Later, we can sell "Breast enhancement Cream" to teenage girls and "Smart pills" and "Anti- Aging Ointment" that STOPS time itself! There's NO end in sight for this kind of product!
How's that for a success story?
Yes, everybody will be happy.
It's a scam. Don't you think if something actually worked to make penis size larger...that it would be International front page news and winner of a nobel prize in medicine??
Does anyone else suffer from Weeing shyness?
I am male and when I am at a urinal on my own I will just wee straight away but if someone else is in there or comes in as I am about to start, it just won't come out!!!
It can be quite embarrassing as they will stand next to me, wee and then leave and I am still standing there and haven't even started.
Does anyone else suffer from this strange affliction?
it is a fear you can overcome mate ! You appear to be worried by the presence of the other guy and you get embarrassed by the amount of time you spend in their if as you say, you cant "do it".
To help you, try to acknowledge the guy who comes in , a simple, "hi mate", or "hello" may do the trick as it may help stop the fear.
The most simple solution is to use the cubicle, but why not conquer your fear instead.
It is most likely that some guys do have this fear, so you are probably not alone each time it happens.
Good luck mate, i hope you conquer this as opposed to hiding yourself away.
I do at times, so I try and use a stall
Defintely not an expert on this one, but it sounds like a relaxation problem. Maybe you can cope with people in your space.
I occasionally get this too, usually in a busy pub or bar.
I simply put off going until I'm absolutely bursting and about to piss myself.
Many do, but it's all in your mind. You could overcome it, but you'd have to work at it. As I understand it, some men press the flush a little - I guess in the belief that the sound of running water has a psychological effect and causes urination. Give it a try, it may work.
Must be a guy thing!!
you are just insecure, you may not think so but you are, and it is ok. you just don't want anyone to have the chance to check you out, you are doing this subconciously. if they have close type stall just go in there. and if they don't and no one is in there just turn on water and if someone else comes in they will think there was someone else in there that just left it on.
Proud to admit that i am a shy wee-er.
I just tend to pretend the people aren't there, that helps;.
thats quite a problem you have there, probably down to lack of confidence on your little man or paranoia. Im sure its common.
It doesnt happen to me but i can understnad what your talking about and prob suffered a little myself when in young teens.
If your a little worried about others seeing your man downstairs while your peeing your getting nervous and that stops you peeing.
its easy to say this but stop worrying, yes people will see inadvertidly or not, but no one judges anything (i hope).
Feel free when peeing, dont think of anything and block anyone else out stand at the urinal and just pis-s.
everyone pees, all men have to, in lack of another way to put it, get it out and piss. Try not to get caught up in thoughts of anything to do with being watched or judged
Hope you are able to get out of this tricky problem
Try spelling long words backwards in your head.
Like, "GEOGRAPHY": Y, H, P, A. ... you get it.
Sounds ridiculous, but it works. Sometimes.
First of all may I thank you for ( if you will excuse the pun, )bringing this problem out into the open.I thought I was the only one to suffer.I put it down to the fact that I was accidentally hit down below when I was younger, which resulted in me having severe inflammation of the bladder.Has this happened to you at all? I also find it very embarrassing.I usually try to go to the urinal when no one is around, or use a toilet which I can lock.
I do sympathise with you and wonder if perhaps our problem is psychological.It would be interesting to find out.
great question. i was fine up until about a year ago when i suddenly got self conscious about it. dunno why. but like theyve mentioned above me, i wait til im ready to burst, which isnt the best thing to do for ur bladder...or i use a stall...or just stand n wait n ignore those around me unless i stand for 5mins and nothings happened. its all about relaxing and not thinkin bout it so much. maybe spelling out words will help haha. i'll try that too
I don't myself, but try using a cubical so that you can lock yourself in.
Yup, it's the worst thing. I can go to the cricket and drink beer all afternoon and then you just have to go... but I get down to the men's lavs, there are about twenty guys lined up at the urinal and about twenty waiting, me included... I dread it.. I get to the trough and ... nope... nothing. Not a drop. I look up, down, left right, shut my eyes. Nothing happens and I am busting to go.
It's not shy thing. Been with my partner for over 20 years... and can't pee in front of her. I could stand in the men's lavs buck naked and wave it around without getting embarrased, but I just can't pee when I have the sense that someone could be watching!
I absolutely hate it.
If you know how to solve this, let me know.
i think that you mit be a little bit shy abaut some thing down that or you are rushing it out or you are a little bit shy about your size most males are i no i am.
my son did, try going in a cubicle instead
I had a medical problem making pissing a bit difficult once-
I noticed that sticking my tongue out helped me piss much quicker-but obviously you would have to do it only in a cubicle or if nobody was looking at you--but truly it worked for me-
its called avoident peruthesis and can be treated speak to your gp .i have suffered for years if i go out for the day i dont drink if i need to pee i use a cubicle
i do know wat u mean. its embarassing at an urinal cos ur very concsious of ur penis. i dont know y. some ppl with the biggest penis' can get very concsious about it for sum unknown reason
yes Ive got it and its a nightmare, if I'm in a pub or at a social gathering i get quite anxious about it and when i feel i need to pee i tend to watch the toilet door and see if anybody has went in and if the coast i clear i usually dart in and do my pee ( sounds sad i know) i usually wait until im bursting or if i walk in and somebodys peeing i usually wash my hands or something, your not alone mate this prob is very common
It's a lot more common than you might think. And (because I also suffer from this and am therefore aware of it) I think it's getting more common.
AP is a malfunction of the autonomic nervous system (that's the bit over which you have no conscious control - like your pupils contracting under bright lights, or your gut shutting down when you're under threat). It usually occurs when something bad occurs when you're going to the lav - the result is that you end up associating going to the lav with a bad experience. Bad experiences invoke the fight or flight mechanism FOFM(autonomic) and that stops you peeing - your body prepares for a fight and having a pee is not something you are designed to be doing when having a fight.
You have to desensitise yourself through exposure / aversion therapy - until you can pee on stage at the Albert Hall on the last night of the proms - then you're cured.
This is not about size - although bullying and rude remarks, will trigger the FOFM. Its about perceive threat.
There may well be a support group in your area.
For me - I just go in the cubicle and pee loudly, and anyone who has sneer or a leer when I come out I challenge them - cheeky fuckers.
just do a wee most people feel the same
It can be quite embarrassing as they will stand next to me, wee and then leave and I am still standing there and haven't even started.
Does anyone else suffer from this strange affliction?
it is a fear you can overcome mate ! You appear to be worried by the presence of the other guy and you get embarrassed by the amount of time you spend in their if as you say, you cant "do it".
To help you, try to acknowledge the guy who comes in , a simple, "hi mate", or "hello" may do the trick as it may help stop the fear.
The most simple solution is to use the cubicle, but why not conquer your fear instead.
It is most likely that some guys do have this fear, so you are probably not alone each time it happens.
Good luck mate, i hope you conquer this as opposed to hiding yourself away.
I do at times, so I try and use a stall
Defintely not an expert on this one, but it sounds like a relaxation problem. Maybe you can cope with people in your space.
I occasionally get this too, usually in a busy pub or bar.
I simply put off going until I'm absolutely bursting and about to piss myself.
Many do, but it's all in your mind. You could overcome it, but you'd have to work at it. As I understand it, some men press the flush a little - I guess in the belief that the sound of running water has a psychological effect and causes urination. Give it a try, it may work.
Must be a guy thing!!
you are just insecure, you may not think so but you are, and it is ok. you just don't want anyone to have the chance to check you out, you are doing this subconciously. if they have close type stall just go in there. and if they don't and no one is in there just turn on water and if someone else comes in they will think there was someone else in there that just left it on.
Proud to admit that i am a shy wee-er.
I just tend to pretend the people aren't there, that helps;.
thats quite a problem you have there, probably down to lack of confidence on your little man or paranoia. Im sure its common.
It doesnt happen to me but i can understnad what your talking about and prob suffered a little myself when in young teens.
If your a little worried about others seeing your man downstairs while your peeing your getting nervous and that stops you peeing.
its easy to say this but stop worrying, yes people will see inadvertidly or not, but no one judges anything (i hope).
Feel free when peeing, dont think of anything and block anyone else out stand at the urinal and just pis-s.
everyone pees, all men have to, in lack of another way to put it, get it out and piss. Try not to get caught up in thoughts of anything to do with being watched or judged
Hope you are able to get out of this tricky problem
Try spelling long words backwards in your head.
Like, "GEOGRAPHY": Y, H, P, A. ... you get it.
Sounds ridiculous, but it works. Sometimes.
First of all may I thank you for ( if you will excuse the pun, )bringing this problem out into the open.I thought I was the only one to suffer.I put it down to the fact that I was accidentally hit down below when I was younger, which resulted in me having severe inflammation of the bladder.Has this happened to you at all? I also find it very embarrassing.I usually try to go to the urinal when no one is around, or use a toilet which I can lock.
I do sympathise with you and wonder if perhaps our problem is psychological.It would be interesting to find out.
great question. i was fine up until about a year ago when i suddenly got self conscious about it. dunno why. but like theyve mentioned above me, i wait til im ready to burst, which isnt the best thing to do for ur bladder...or i use a stall...or just stand n wait n ignore those around me unless i stand for 5mins and nothings happened. its all about relaxing and not thinkin bout it so much. maybe spelling out words will help haha. i'll try that too
I don't myself, but try using a cubical so that you can lock yourself in.
Yup, it's the worst thing. I can go to the cricket and drink beer all afternoon and then you just have to go... but I get down to the men's lavs, there are about twenty guys lined up at the urinal and about twenty waiting, me included... I dread it.. I get to the trough and ... nope... nothing. Not a drop. I look up, down, left right, shut my eyes. Nothing happens and I am busting to go.
It's not shy thing. Been with my partner for over 20 years... and can't pee in front of her. I could stand in the men's lavs buck naked and wave it around without getting embarrased, but I just can't pee when I have the sense that someone could be watching!
I absolutely hate it.
If you know how to solve this, let me know.
i think that you mit be a little bit shy abaut some thing down that or you are rushing it out or you are a little bit shy about your size most males are i no i am.
my son did, try going in a cubicle instead
I had a medical problem making pissing a bit difficult once-
I noticed that sticking my tongue out helped me piss much quicker-but obviously you would have to do it only in a cubicle or if nobody was looking at you--but truly it worked for me-
its called avoident peruthesis and can be treated speak to your gp .i have suffered for years if i go out for the day i dont drink if i need to pee i use a cubicle
i do know wat u mean. its embarassing at an urinal cos ur very concsious of ur penis. i dont know y. some ppl with the biggest penis' can get very concsious about it for sum unknown reason
yes Ive got it and its a nightmare, if I'm in a pub or at a social gathering i get quite anxious about it and when i feel i need to pee i tend to watch the toilet door and see if anybody has went in and if the coast i clear i usually dart in and do my pee ( sounds sad i know) i usually wait until im bursting or if i walk in and somebodys peeing i usually wash my hands or something, your not alone mate this prob is very common
It's a lot more common than you might think. And (because I also suffer from this and am therefore aware of it) I think it's getting more common.
AP is a malfunction of the autonomic nervous system (that's the bit over which you have no conscious control - like your pupils contracting under bright lights, or your gut shutting down when you're under threat). It usually occurs when something bad occurs when you're going to the lav - the result is that you end up associating going to the lav with a bad experience. Bad experiences invoke the fight or flight mechanism FOFM(autonomic) and that stops you peeing - your body prepares for a fight and having a pee is not something you are designed to be doing when having a fight.
You have to desensitise yourself through exposure / aversion therapy - until you can pee on stage at the Albert Hall on the last night of the proms - then you're cured.
This is not about size - although bullying and rude remarks, will trigger the FOFM. Its about perceive threat.
There may well be a support group in your area.
For me - I just go in the cubicle and pee loudly, and anyone who has sneer or a leer when I come out I challenge them - cheeky fuckers.
just do a wee most people feel the same
Does anyone agree with me that Pfizer which made Viagra has saved a lot of animal lives?
There is a lot of animals lives that has being saved by viagra because they are not killed anymore so their body parts can be used for men who has erectile dysfunction, do you agree with me ?
yes i agree with you maybe there is hope for the next generation of rhino. Excellent notation
yes.i have heard that rhino horns,bear paws,lion penises and who knows what else have been used for this.
Well ..... NO!
There are however a lot of unhappy sheep out there.
yes i agree with you maybe there is hope for the next generation of rhino. Excellent notation
yes.i have heard that rhino horns,bear paws,lion penises and who knows what else have been used for this.
Well ..... NO!
There are however a lot of unhappy sheep out there.
Does anybody know how I can get my penis corona gland to be bigger so my foreskin doesnt come over it?
Please I only want information. No harrasments I just want to knoe if somebody would knoe how to do it like some kind of method to use to make the rim of my penis of be bigger.
I don't think there is a possible way to increase any part of the penis though...
you could have an injection of hydrogel which would have to be done once a year or permanent grafting of alloderm.
I don't think there is a possible way to increase any part of the penis though...
you could have an injection of hydrogel which would have to be done once a year or permanent grafting of alloderm.
Does anybody know an effective way to gain weight?
I am 6 ft. and 17 yrs. old
When i was your age i was 6ft 3 and at 150-160 lbs, what I learn is working out specific musle and snack every two hour ( health, small snack) and one big meal at super, and don't forget breakfest. Now I work out at the gym and i am at 235 lbs.
Point is, whatever muscle you work (in pain), will gain mass to heal the muscle, therefore will grow. I don't use any protein drinks. Good luck, enjoy the workout!
um..i kno this is gonna sound assinine, but...EAT!!!
Super size at McDonalds 2x a day prolly can get 60 lbs in 60 days
arrrrrrg!!!!! %26lt;Bangs head on computer X4%26gt;
Sorry I have to go through that whenever somebody says they want to gain weight. All I have to do is walk near food and I think I gain weight%26gt;
eat whale blubber
All you have to do is consume 500cal more a day than you are burning and that comes out to a pound a week, which means you can gain 52lbs in a year, I did!
When i was your age i was 6ft 3 and at 150-160 lbs, what I learn is working out specific musle and snack every two hour ( health, small snack) and one big meal at super, and don't forget breakfest. Now I work out at the gym and i am at 235 lbs.
Point is, whatever muscle you work (in pain), will gain mass to heal the muscle, therefore will grow. I don't use any protein drinks. Good luck, enjoy the workout!
um..i kno this is gonna sound assinine, but...EAT!!!
Super size at McDonalds 2x a day prolly can get 60 lbs in 60 days
arrrrrrg!!!!! %26lt;Bangs head on computer X4%26gt;
Sorry I have to go through that whenever somebody says they want to gain weight. All I have to do is walk near food and I think I gain weight%26gt;
eat whale blubber
All you have to do is consume 500cal more a day than you are burning and that comes out to a pound a week, which means you can gain 52lbs in a year, I did!
Does any one now plz how to get ure trepizius musel up?
Why is it that so few people on here know how to spell?
I presume you mean your "trapezius muscle", upright rows with a barbell or shrugs with a pair of dumbells. Try and use the spell checker.
Does any one know of any diet pills that actualy work?u know something that makes the fat come right off.?
No pills make fat come off....they are all a scam....a good diet and exercise is all that eliminates fat...pills steal your money and can damage your health...forget about them.
The only thing that works is eating less and exercising more.
Sweety there is no "best diet pill", they all have side effects that could be harmful to you in one way or another. However, there is a "way to make the fat come right off". That is by allowing your body to lose weight in a natural way by inducing a change in your metabolism. You could try resticting your carbohydrate consumption and excercise. That will not only take the fat right off but, it will help keep it off. It is not an easy way out or quick fix but, you will get long term benefits with great results.
Good Luck!
I've personally used Lipo-6 and it worked very well, however I quit taking it because it gave me headacges.
Other products I've had success with is Stimulant X, and Ergolean AMP.
As always, take as directed and consult a physician. Also do some research. has great forums pages with tons of info.
Diet and exercise will play a huge factor in fat loss. The problem with dieting is that it's designed to fail. You need to change your eating habbits permenantly, not for 6 weeks.
Does any one know about lumps in your nutsack?? Women DONT respond.?
After you are 44 years old, and you start getting sharp pains in one of your testicles and notice that there are painful lumps in it that gradualy increase in amount. However they are only noticable when you stand up. Of coarse the doctor is going to check out this problem, but i want know if any one might know what it is before i get seen because im so curious. It is not only accomponied by sharp pain in that one tesiticle but lower back aches are there to, if any one has heard of such a thing let me me know what you think it is called or anything like that, if you've never heard of it and are just going to say, i dont know but you should defenitly get it looked at, then just dont respond because youre not telling me anything that i dont know! thank you very much.
you got balls for asking this question pet !!!!
Ok Diana??? I can't tell you what it is and no one on this site could because you must be examined by a doctor and that doctor is likely to want a scan of your testis to make sure there is not a problem. Lumps at the back of your testis(around the cord as it returns to the body may represent epididymal cysts) These still need checking out however so sorry to answer when I don't know but I hope this gives you some insight into what will happen when you see your doc.
(Why Diana?)
lower back pain indicates you may have an infection stemming from the kidneys, my son had similar problem , it turned out to be a severe infection, im glad youre going to get it sorted, as it shouldnt be left, im sorry im a woman, but sometimes women have husbands and sons!!
you got balls for asking this question pet !!!!
Ok Diana??? I can't tell you what it is and no one on this site could because you must be examined by a doctor and that doctor is likely to want a scan of your testis to make sure there is not a problem. Lumps at the back of your testis(around the cord as it returns to the body may represent epididymal cysts) These still need checking out however so sorry to answer when I don't know but I hope this gives you some insight into what will happen when you see your doc.
(Why Diana?)
lower back pain indicates you may have an infection stemming from the kidneys, my son had similar problem , it turned out to be a severe infection, im glad youre going to get it sorted, as it shouldnt be left, im sorry im a woman, but sometimes women have husbands and sons!!
Does any body know if it will show?
when you are taking a physical exam for your citizen ship. i know they check if you are on drugs or dissess. if i smoked weed about a couple weeks ago. if that shows up in your system is that a problem
It will show unless it has been "thrown out" of your body.
Do lots of exercise, eat lemons(really good for clearing the disgestive systems) and drink lots of water.
It will show and it will be a problem. What you shoudl do is drink a gallon of water in about 4 hours, along with a liter of vinegar. It really works.
It will show unless it has been "thrown out" of your body.
Do lots of exercise, eat lemons(really good for clearing the disgestive systems) and drink lots of water.
It will show and it will be a problem. What you shoudl do is drink a gallon of water in about 4 hours, along with a liter of vinegar. It really works.
Does a persons size and body weight affect people drinking or getting drunk? If so.. why?
please answer as accuratly as possible
Your body weight does affect the amount of alcohol it takes to get someone drunk.
The amount of alcohol in your blood stream is referred to as Blood Alcohol Level (BAL). It is recorded in milligrams of alcohol per 100 milliliters of blood, or milligrams percent. For example, a BAL of .10 means that 1/10 of 1 percent (or 1/1000) of your total blood content is alcohol. When you drink alcohol it goes directly from the stomach into the blood stream. This is why you typically feel the effects of alcohol quite quickly, especially if you haven鈥檛 eaten in a while.
BAL depends on: 1. Amount of blood (which will increase with weight) and 2. The amount of alcohol you consume over time (the faster you drink, the higher your BAL, as the liver can only handle about a drink per hour--the rest builds up in your blood stream).
A persons size and weight really only has a pinch of difference to do with getting drunk. It all depends on the persons immunity to the alcohol, which is done by constant drinking. If you were to drink heavily on a weekly basis, you would notice that as the weeks go on, your tollerance for alcohol naturally raises. Also it has to do with how healthy the person is, or if that person has any kind of medical conditions that would make alcohol consumption more easy for them.
One example I knew this person who had a very slow active thyroid, and they could out drink anyone, even the veteran drinkers. And this person was only 5'2" at about 115 pounds. So really it just depends on the person you are talking about.
well think about it!!!! the smaller the surface area is the concentrated the alcohol... simple. (or
Yes a persons size makes a difference as it is units of alcohol in the bloodstream.
Your body weight does affect the amount of alcohol it takes to get someone drunk.
The amount of alcohol in your blood stream is referred to as Blood Alcohol Level (BAL). It is recorded in milligrams of alcohol per 100 milliliters of blood, or milligrams percent. For example, a BAL of .10 means that 1/10 of 1 percent (or 1/1000) of your total blood content is alcohol. When you drink alcohol it goes directly from the stomach into the blood stream. This is why you typically feel the effects of alcohol quite quickly, especially if you haven鈥檛 eaten in a while.
BAL depends on: 1. Amount of blood (which will increase with weight) and 2. The amount of alcohol you consume over time (the faster you drink, the higher your BAL, as the liver can only handle about a drink per hour--the rest builds up in your blood stream).
A persons size and weight really only has a pinch of difference to do with getting drunk. It all depends on the persons immunity to the alcohol, which is done by constant drinking. If you were to drink heavily on a weekly basis, you would notice that as the weeks go on, your tollerance for alcohol naturally raises. Also it has to do with how healthy the person is, or if that person has any kind of medical conditions that would make alcohol consumption more easy for them.
One example I knew this person who had a very slow active thyroid, and they could out drink anyone, even the veteran drinkers. And this person was only 5'2" at about 115 pounds. So really it just depends on the person you are talking about.
well think about it!!!! the smaller the surface area is the concentrated the alcohol... simple. (or
Yes a persons size makes a difference as it is units of alcohol in the bloodstream.
Does a penis with a restored foreskin produce smegma?
Smegma is one of the downsides of having a foreskin, and I was wondering if restored foreskins have the same burden.
only if you have any sebaceous glands left if you don't you will not have smegma.the sebaceous glands are on your inner foreskin and it all depends on how much of that is left.but washing once a day will take care of it.and smegma holds pheromones which attract partners.women that are uncircumcised also get smegma under the clitoral hood or foreskin or prepuce it is the same as the male foreskin,prepuce,hood.
All penises (and female genitalia) produce smegma. In a circumcised man, it just gets rubbed off during the day. In an uncircumcised man, it can build up under the foreskin. In a woman, it can build up under the clitoral hood.
i hate that sh*t. i have to spit on my shaft to get it off. im juss too sensitive to touch it and pick all day at it with a something
TLH's answer is right on. Too further prove the point, yes. Speaking from personal experience.
only if you have any sebaceous glands left if you don't you will not have smegma.the sebaceous glands are on your inner foreskin and it all depends on how much of that is left.but washing once a day will take care of it.and smegma holds pheromones which attract partners.women that are uncircumcised also get smegma under the clitoral hood or foreskin or prepuce it is the same as the male foreskin,prepuce,hood.
All penises (and female genitalia) produce smegma. In a circumcised man, it just gets rubbed off during the day. In an uncircumcised man, it can build up under the foreskin. In a woman, it can build up under the clitoral hood.
i hate that sh*t. i have to spit on my shaft to get it off. im juss too sensitive to touch it and pick all day at it with a something
TLH's answer is right on. Too further prove the point, yes. Speaking from personal experience.
Does "jacking off" too much lower the chances of getting children?
Young one, the seeds of an apple produce the next apple trees. Each tree has hundreds of apples each apple has tens of seeds. So grasshopper each tree has tens of thousands of seeds. An apple eaten by birds, or churned to pie does not lower the number of apple trees. Although each seed is numbered, the number is far greater than the improperly planted seeds.
In a word, no!
no it doesent u just loose more semon but a normal amount will start to come back after less masterbaition
yea it does.
No it doesnt. Men produce sperm until the day they die.
NO! Not at all. It kind of stimulates the sperm cord.
The chances of getting children while jacking off is absolutely zero.
I'm afraid it does if you're doing that rather than having intercourse with a woman. How is a women going to get pregnant if you're constantly playing with your willie and not letting her have a turn?
Also, remember, 50 years ago they said you would go blind if you kept doing that. I thought I was until I got my cataracts out.
NO. Your body will produce it untill you get old and dusty ;O)
Do zinc and selenium supplements help with sperm production?
and if so what does it do?
i know that zinc is used in trying to improve works on helping to create healthy sperm..dont know bout selenium though..havent heard of it used for fertility
don't think so
was'nt selenium used to blow up the alien in 'evolution'? as in the active ingredient in dandruff shampoo?
i know that zinc is used in trying to improve works on helping to create healthy sperm..dont know bout selenium though..havent heard of it used for fertility
don't think so
was'nt selenium used to blow up the alien in 'evolution'? as in the active ingredient in dandruff shampoo?
Do you wear jocky briefs?
i'm deciding which type to buy. Any suggestions
Yup, I wear them, they give a little support a man needs, boxers don't.
They sell them for $20 each or in packs of 3 or 10 for $10 and up. Different brands, colors or sizes. Trying to impress someone? Spend a little more for some fancy ones. For everyday?
Go to Wallmart or Costoco and buy a bundle, that's your best bet.
ya , i wear, which type u wear.tell me
boxers are better briefs might make your pecker curve over due to pressure lol
I don't wear jocky... I wear bonds
Yup, I wear them, they give a little support a man needs, boxers don't.
They sell them for $20 each or in packs of 3 or 10 for $10 and up. Different brands, colors or sizes. Trying to impress someone? Spend a little more for some fancy ones. For everyday?
Go to Wallmart or Costoco and buy a bundle, that's your best bet.
ya , i wear, which type u wear.tell me
boxers are better briefs might make your pecker curve over due to pressure lol
I don't wear jocky... I wear bonds
Do you think this person has big ears?
This person thinks he has normal sized ears!
What do you think?
normal size, they just stick out a lot!
They're not big, they just stick out further than what would be considered normal. A lot of people who have this condition opt for otoplasty to pin the ears closer to the head.
Yes OMG naw i'm just playin his ears aren't big they just stick out maybe he should tape them down against his face so he will look normal and then grow his hair cause i hate to say this but that looks horrible
bet he's got some good hearing !
What do you think?
normal size, they just stick out a lot!
They're not big, they just stick out further than what would be considered normal. A lot of people who have this condition opt for otoplasty to pin the ears closer to the head.
Yes OMG naw i'm just playin his ears aren't big they just stick out maybe he should tape them down against his face so he will look normal and then grow his hair cause i hate to say this but that looks horrible
bet he's got some good hearing !
Do you think these two things link together...?
I have had to visit the doctor 8+ times since high school wrestling season started this year. In the past, I have only been to the doctor 1-2 times max in this time span. Do you think this has a direct corrilation?
It really depends what your going to the doctors for. If t is muscular or bone related reasons for going to the doctors then i would say yes they may well be relseased.
you should ask you doctor this he or she would be able to tell you in alot more detail if it is safe for you to carry on wrestling or weather it is damaging your health.
Most likely. After a lot of fights, I'm sure you're body's trying hard to heal itself. Try asking your doctor next time you see him/her. Good Luck.
Well, I know that those mats had better be disinfected really good everytime, practice, duals, tournaments whatever. Anything that requires that type of contact makes things spread rapidly. there was a HS in Colorado that cancelled their whole season because of some type of herpetic outbreak. So I do believe that you may just be catching everything that is going around easier. Two words: Hand Sanitizer. And use it all the time and even on your face.
Typically, exercise builds the immune system, not the other way around.
I might suspect the locker room or shower for possible germs.
yes wel ahu em
It really depends what your going to the doctors for. If t is muscular or bone related reasons for going to the doctors then i would say yes they may well be relseased.
you should ask you doctor this he or she would be able to tell you in alot more detail if it is safe for you to carry on wrestling or weather it is damaging your health.
Most likely. After a lot of fights, I'm sure you're body's trying hard to heal itself. Try asking your doctor next time you see him/her. Good Luck.
Well, I know that those mats had better be disinfected really good everytime, practice, duals, tournaments whatever. Anything that requires that type of contact makes things spread rapidly. there was a HS in Colorado that cancelled their whole season because of some type of herpetic outbreak. So I do believe that you may just be catching everything that is going around easier. Two words: Hand Sanitizer. And use it all the time and even on your face.
Typically, exercise builds the immune system, not the other way around.
I might suspect the locker room or shower for possible germs.
yes wel ahu em
Do you think that in our world exist male that has never ejaculated sperm?
do such perfect man exist? Like a vehicle that has never lost even a drop of oil?
I can't see it, even the strictes monks could have wet dreams as they do not have control over their bodies when they sleep.
i dont know i do know there is virgins out there but im sure they have you would think good question, what about men that have had vascetomies, they ejacualte but dont produce
If they are younger than 12 years old.
i would think that a pope bishop or cardinal could qualify for this category. if not voluntarily ejaculating though, i would think that involuntary ejaculation (wet dreams...etc) would kick in sooner or later. but if a pope was that pure that he didn't even dream about the temptations of flesh, then it is definitely possible to have never ejaculated.
If they have never ejaculated, they are not perfect.
There is a problem.
The human body will force a man to unload.
nope the word would not exist
perfect man? Why would that be a perfect man? i would say no. i would think that it is humanly not possible, because the male human body will do it at night (wet dreams) even if the man doesn't want them. Its the body's way of cleaning the system. Even if a guy could, why would he? He would definitely be missing out.
That's physically impossible and it can not happen unless they don't have a penis. But man needs to ejaculate because its a need. Much like going to urinate ejaculating is to men.
yes, somewhere, on a remote island. lol
Yes there are many men in the world who shoot blanks no sperm only ejaculation fluid. Also what about eunuchs men with no balls.
I can't see it, even the strictes monks could have wet dreams as they do not have control over their bodies when they sleep.
i dont know i do know there is virgins out there but im sure they have you would think good question, what about men that have had vascetomies, they ejacualte but dont produce
If they are younger than 12 years old.
i would think that a pope bishop or cardinal could qualify for this category. if not voluntarily ejaculating though, i would think that involuntary ejaculation (wet dreams...etc) would kick in sooner or later. but if a pope was that pure that he didn't even dream about the temptations of flesh, then it is definitely possible to have never ejaculated.
If they have never ejaculated, they are not perfect.
There is a problem.
The human body will force a man to unload.
nope the word would not exist
perfect man? Why would that be a perfect man? i would say no. i would think that it is humanly not possible, because the male human body will do it at night (wet dreams) even if the man doesn't want them. Its the body's way of cleaning the system. Even if a guy could, why would he? He would definitely be missing out.
That's physically impossible and it can not happen unless they don't have a penis. But man needs to ejaculate because its a need. Much like going to urinate ejaculating is to men.
yes, somewhere, on a remote island. lol
Yes there are many men in the world who shoot blanks no sperm only ejaculation fluid. Also what about eunuchs men with no balls.
Do you think life would be better if you had a?
bigger member..thing between your legs..I think maybe..
From a female perspective, it wouldn't matter at all. I appreciate a man for who he is. I don't care what he has between his legs as long as he knows how to use it if it ever comes to that.
I have found out, that the bigger the member the bigger load that is shot.
No. It's better to keep the member (penis or sac) the size it grows to be
No, as long as what you have functions properly.
Honestly only in my mind.
From a female perspective, it wouldn't matter at all. I appreciate a man for who he is. I don't care what he has between his legs as long as he knows how to use it if it ever comes to that.
I have found out, that the bigger the member the bigger load that is shot.
No. It's better to keep the member (penis or sac) the size it grows to be
No, as long as what you have functions properly.
Honestly only in my mind.
Do you think a guy who is 5' 8 tall is an ok height?
well by most standards youre a little below average height, but that is perfectly normal. You're still taller than most girls so of course its an ok height
Depends how tall you are, how big his feet are, big hands, etc.
5'8" is a mans' average height so your lucky!! Im only 5'6" dam it!!
Yep. Of course, I'm only 5'2" tall, so my opinion on what is a good height for a guy may be a bit skewed:P
That's a fine height! As long as your "HWP" (height weight proportional).
I'm 5'8". I wish I was at least 2 inches taller. I also wish I was a baller.
you think your short im a 14 year old guy im 5`3. i would love to be 5 intches taller than i am.
Yes, especially when you're in a country with a lot of smaller people than tall ones.
I'm 5'9'' and I currently live somewhere in south east asia, and I can see the top of most peoples heads, but still some are taller than I am.
though in the United States, people tend to say that 5'8'' is very short for a guy
Do you sweat when drunk?
My friend was drunk and we all decided to go to bed! He woke up in the middle of the night soaked in sweat no body messed with him so it had to be sweat can this happen???
Most people will sweat during or after drinking, because when your body burns up the alcohol, the result is heat. Alcohol has no useful calories for nutritional value, so its calories are converted to heat, which often comes out as a feeling of warmth or as sweating to reduce intenal body temperature. Your friend clearly over-indulged!
I sweat profusely when I have more than one drink. Everytime I drink a couple of drinks I get really, really warm.
yes - i do
I don't think so. I get dizzy when I'm drunk.
Most people will sweat during or after drinking, because when your body burns up the alcohol, the result is heat. Alcohol has no useful calories for nutritional value, so its calories are converted to heat, which often comes out as a feeling of warmth or as sweating to reduce intenal body temperature. Your friend clearly over-indulged!
I sweat profusely when I have more than one drink. Everytime I drink a couple of drinks I get really, really warm.
yes - i do
I don't think so. I get dizzy when I'm drunk.
Do you suggest shaving the hair around your pubic area?
I say go for it. Lots of women like this, I do. But I would start off by just trimming it back nice and neat. Can't hurt to try, you may like that it makes you appear bigger. and if not it will always grow back.
Yeah, why not? It makes your little guy look bigger ;)
Not unless you're ready to itch and scratch occasionally.
Why? Just be yourself.
No. It's a really bad idea, for a number of reasons--
Appearance: It makes you look like you haven't accepted puberty and want to go back to being a child. Many women find that disgusting. People also might suspect that you have crabs and shaved to get rid of them.
Hygiene: Hair helps the air circulate, which keeps your skin dry and healthy. Shaved skin not only gets zits and bumps from the stress of shaving, it also holds the sweat, which encourages the growth of bacteria and fungus. Sometimes these infections are serious, but mostly they just make you itch and smell bad.
Trimming your pubic hair is easier on the skin, but trimmed hair is sharp and rough and not very pleasant to get close to. Natural hair is silky and soft, with tapered tips. Trimmed hair is scratchy stubble that has a "wire brush" effect on your lover.
Keep the hair very clean - but do keep it!
Shaving, no. Trimming, yes.
hmm well if ur a guy then i recommend just trimming because i made the awful mistake of shaving and it was SO! itchy! it was un-belivible
After having done this I would not recommend it for any male. When the hairs grow back it hurts. It's itchy and spiky. In fact it feels like metal needles are growing out of your pubis.
As a girl I like the bush in the private area of boys/ long as you can maintain clean...daily wash with need to shave....I suggest you consult your wife/girl friend before you shave!
yeah i do,.... the thing people say it will itch a lot are not shaving right. if you shave your pubes the right way then you will have no itch.
I've been shaving mine (front %26 back) for over 20 years and I never have had a problem and I love the smooth feeling besides being easier to keep the area clean and fresh and the gals seem to like it better than all the hair down there.
I have done it many times and girls like it.
trimming is better when compared to clean shaving in that area
Yes, it looks cool and women an your local naturist resort see it as a sign that you are well groomed.
I do.
i do
Plucking (tweezing), Shaving, Depilatory creams and Waxing are temporary hair removal methods.
Waxing usually lasts for 3 weeks, but it is painful.
Electrolysis and laser hair removal are “permanent” hair removal methods but are expensive and you have to find a trained professional, otherwise your skin could be damaged.
Do you or anyone you know wears bikini briefs?
my dad wears them and I'm thinking about buying some.....What do you think?
I've worn Jockey bikini briefs for over 10 years and I just love them for the support they give me and the comfortable overall feeling. Give them a try.
Thinking is as far as you need to go. Stick with boxers or boxer briefs.
ya u can use
Give it a try.
It is a question that I have never asked my friends so,I can't really say.As for myself,I sometimes have to wear them as the outline of my willie can be plainly seen if I wear boxers.
I've worn Jockey bikini briefs for over 10 years and I just love them for the support they give me and the comfortable overall feeling. Give them a try.
Thinking is as far as you need to go. Stick with boxers or boxer briefs.
ya u can use
Give it a try.
It is a question that I have never asked my friends so,I can't really say.As for myself,I sometimes have to wear them as the outline of my willie can be plainly seen if I wear boxers.
Do you need to perform an enema while juice fasting?
I can't find a straight answer for this. I have read sites that don't exactly say to use an enema for colon cleansing, like the master cleanse, it just requires the drinking of saline wash, and other forumes say that you should do an enema at least once a day for the first few days of fasting. I don't know if I even want to perform this, plus I don't money to buy all this crap that the sites say to buy because I have no job and I am a little embarased trying to ask one of my parents to purchase the needed equipment to perform an enema. Who can answer this question? Do I need to perform an enema during a juice fast?
I think its up to the person who is taking the juice fast. The purpose of the fast is to help your system clean out the toxins, an enema can help this even further. The reason they don't say it on there is because it is not necessary, you will benefit without it but you could even more with an enema.
Have fun with the choice lol
I have to spoken to my doctor about fasting and cleansing. She said avoid them can be dangerous. people selling these products are marketing and sales people with little or no medical training.. be carefull with your health...
YES YES YES, If you can connect a tube from your butt to your mouth that's even better.
Frequent enemas aren't good for you as they can seriously damage the lining of your intestines as well as disrupt your normal bowel movements, and neither is any kind of fasting where you severely limit both the variety of nutrients you take in and the bulk that your bowel needs to function properly. All of this stuff is just hokum and not legitimate medicine. Your body is perfectly capable of "cleansing" your insides without any "help."
I think its up to the person who is taking the juice fast. The purpose of the fast is to help your system clean out the toxins, an enema can help this even further. The reason they don't say it on there is because it is not necessary, you will benefit without it but you could even more with an enema.
Have fun with the choice lol
I have to spoken to my doctor about fasting and cleansing. She said avoid them can be dangerous. people selling these products are marketing and sales people with little or no medical training.. be carefull with your health...
YES YES YES, If you can connect a tube from your butt to your mouth that's even better.
Frequent enemas aren't good for you as they can seriously damage the lining of your intestines as well as disrupt your normal bowel movements, and neither is any kind of fasting where you severely limit both the variety of nutrients you take in and the bulk that your bowel needs to function properly. All of this stuff is just hokum and not legitimate medicine. Your body is perfectly capable of "cleansing" your insides without any "help."
Do you need to perform an enema while juice fasting?
I can't find a straight answer for this. I have read sites that don't exactly say to use an enema for colon cleansing, like the master cleanse, it just requires the drinking of saline wash, and other forumes say that you should do an enema at least once a day for the first few days of fasting. I don't know if I even want to perform this, plus I don't money to buy all this crap that the sites say to buy because I have no job and I am a little embarased trying to ask one of my parents to purchase the needed equipment to perform an enema. Who can answer this question? Do I need to perform an enema during a juice fast?
I am a doctor, BTW. These fasts are pure BS. There is no need to "cleanse" or "purge" or "remove toxins" from your body in any way, shape, or form. Your liver and kidneys remove toxins naturally, and that is how God made you.
Did you know that "dietary supplements" and other items like they sell on the internet have NO government regulation at all? Did you know that they are a multi BILLION dollar industry that has NO requirement to prove either safety or effectiveness? People complain about the "evil" drug companies, but the "natural supplement" companies are making much more money and are completely without basis in scientific fact.
If you are doing a vegetable juice diet for weight loss, there will be TONS of fiber in the veggie juice and it is the fiber that makes the bowels move. Yes, fiber is good. Yes, hydration is good. These are facts. You never ever ever need to give yourself an enema for any reason unless you are planning to get a colon examination or you haven't pooped in about a decade. Don't waste your money.
Check out for more info
This stuff with enemas is ridiculous. Quackery. Just letting you know... ask your doctor.
Extreme and dangerous!!! Please, people who are looking for fast easy answers for medical must follow sound medical advice as proposed by a Doctor. You will not benefit from an enema and will likely do damage.
I am a doctor, BTW. These fasts are pure BS. There is no need to "cleanse" or "purge" or "remove toxins" from your body in any way, shape, or form. Your liver and kidneys remove toxins naturally, and that is how God made you.
Did you know that "dietary supplements" and other items like they sell on the internet have NO government regulation at all? Did you know that they are a multi BILLION dollar industry that has NO requirement to prove either safety or effectiveness? People complain about the "evil" drug companies, but the "natural supplement" companies are making much more money and are completely without basis in scientific fact.
If you are doing a vegetable juice diet for weight loss, there will be TONS of fiber in the veggie juice and it is the fiber that makes the bowels move. Yes, fiber is good. Yes, hydration is good. These are facts. You never ever ever need to give yourself an enema for any reason unless you are planning to get a colon examination or you haven't pooped in about a decade. Don't waste your money.
Check out for more info
This stuff with enemas is ridiculous. Quackery. Just letting you know... ask your doctor.
Extreme and dangerous!!! Please, people who are looking for fast easy answers for medical must follow sound medical advice as proposed by a Doctor. You will not benefit from an enema and will likely do damage.
Do you like sweat? My GF swaets a lot. Any sol?
I have found that Patchouli smells amazing on people who sweat a lot or stink when they sweat. Get her some patchouli oil maybe.
As long as she bathes regularly let her sweat. Sounds hot to me.
i luv it if its while making love.
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